That’s right! You can meditate while eating chocolate.

In Chocolate Meditation we will explore the basics of mindfulness and how to make it a daily practice. In addition, we will slow down the fast-paced world and reconnect with senses. Most importantly, we will be present to experience the moment and savor life.

We will explore the basics of mindfulness, and how to enjoy mindfulness and make it a daily practice.

Tildet Varon - Archived Events - Chocolate Meditation: Savor Life!
Tildet Varon - Inner Mastery Specialist
Tildet is an inner mastery specialist with a history of inspiring, mind-opening events and talks. Join us for stimulating ideas, experiential exercises, meditations, and a welcoming community!
The most amazing, relaxing experience ever! Tildet's leadership and Reiki healing has us relaxed and at peace. We will be attending monthly.” ~ Laura D'Oria Morea
Tildet creates an environment that creates heart-to-heart dialogue. This safe space allowed me to look deeper into myself and feel more confidence in who I am and I can take my next steps forward in all areas of my life.” ~ Randi Lenahan
Thank you for giving of yourself so beautifully at last night’s meditation at the Salt Cave. It was a very relaxing and rejuvenating experience β€” something I badly needed! Your words, voice and your gentle touch made us all enjoy the experience! You are such a bright light encouraging us to shine our own light everyday. xo” ~ Donna Furino
It was wonderful to experience the transformations happening in the room right before our eyes.” ~ Mike Giambertone
I was inspired and enlightened. Tildet, you are a beautiful light and I am in awe of your magnificence. I know in my heart I can achieve anything and you have reassured me that we all have the ability to live our dreams and live the life we all deserve. We all have greatness within. Thank you for all you do.” ~ Tracey Giambertone

Contact Tildet!

Contact us today for a conversation on how Tildet can help you improve your well-being and success.

Contact Tildet!

Contact us today for a conversation on how Tildet can help you improve your well-being and success.