My theme for this year — and what is yours?

This new year, may you have the courage to go after your dreams, as well as allowing yourself to receive all the good that life has to offer.

Last week I started sharing with you the rituals I do to make my year the best year possible. I hope that you have reflected on the past year to gain clarity to plan for 2018.

The other ritual I do at the beginning of the year that you might also do is picking a theme or a word that will help me get to the next level of expansion, personally and professionally.

Having a word, phrase or theme helps me steer in the right direction by asking myself whether my thinking and actions today are taking me closer or farther away from my theme. The word or theme holds the essence of my intention.

I invite you to choose a word or a theme that will inspire you this year as well. Start by making a word list.

What are all the things you want to do, be, or have in this next chapter of your life?

How do you want to feel?

What word makes your heart open?

Simply list out everything that comes to mind. Take your time with this, and don’t leave anything out. No filtering or judgment, just write it down.

Keep feeling the words and looking at the essence, then you will be able to choose your word. Pick the one word or short phrase with which you resonate the most.

Do you want to know my word this year?

It is: ACTION.

My sweetheart asked me for more detail on why I am choosing this word, since I have contemplated choosing others as well. I am choosing this word because this year I want to feel movement and momentum. This word gives me that feeling of movement and momentum, and it is what my intuition says will add the most to my life right now after investing much time and effort into self-understanding as well as researching principles of making a better life. So it is time to take more action!

When choosing YOUR word, connect to yourself and check with your body how the word feels for you. Don’t make a choice just because the word sounds good; make a choice because the word inspires you and points the way to move forward.

So, what is your word? You can enjoy not taking the first one that occurs to you, but giving it some reflection, and then choose after considering a number of options and meanings.

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